Go Dany! Danaerys’ storyline in season 2 left
much to be desired, but in season 3, she excelled, and this episode was –
despite the heavy bias towards the Night’s Watch in the title – her episode.
She didn’t get that much time in the previous episodes, but she got the ending
of this one, and it ended with a bang and a deep swallow from the CGI budget.
It’s this bang that secured the episode a firm place in the viewer’s memory,
even though the middle was a bit of a slug. This is again, of course, showing
great skill by the creators, because this slug was necessary. You need to
advance plotlines in order to get to the payoffs sometimes, and they
essentially hid the advancing in between the great stuff, primarily Jaime
getting his ass whooped by Brienne in the opening and Dany whooping slaver’s
ass in the ending. But let’s continue our tradition of geographical
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Go Dany! |
Jon’s absent from this episode, and I guess he’ll
show prominently in episode 5, climbing the Wall, but for now, we have to make
due with the Night’s Watch. Their plot reaches yet another climax, and I would
guess, for non-book readers it came somewhat unexpected although the hints that
something was to happen were all over the place. That Rast (I was right on that
account) and the unnamed ranger would stab the Old Bear dead surely came as a
shock, but he got one last moment of badassery trying to strangle Rast at
least. Before, we had some nice build-up with Grenn and Dolorous Edd shoveling
shit and Sam trying to talk to Gilly. Both served yet again to reinforce what
the Watch is at its heart and that, yes, there are Others out there. Should we
revisit Sam in episode 5 (which is not sure, they could push him into 6) we’ll
get to see yet another iconic scene from the books and him earning a new
nickname. Nuff said, let’s move on.
South of the Wall, Bran has yet another dream
with the Three-Eyed-Crow and gets again visited by Jojen Reed, who tries to do…what
exactly? The scene mostly succeeds in reminding us that, yes, Bran still
exists, and Jojen does, too. Catelyn’s appearance is nice, too, but right now,
I would like to decide for them to finally make for the Wall (really, that
decision is due for some time now) and to finally get on with the tale of the
Knight of the Laughing Tree. I really hope that story will be in there, perhaps
mixed with some beautiful landscape shots, Lord-of-the-Rings-style. Hoping
against hope. Has your father really never told you this story, Bran? Sorry,
non-readers, but that was just me nerding around.
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No, go on, please! |
Theon is in for a rough ride. As I already
suspected, the mysterious and yet unnamed savior (*cough* Ramsay *cough*) is no
good, leading Theon around a merry chase for “Yara” (wrote Asha before noticing
my mistake and deleting it) back to the castle where they started. Theon, you
dumb ass. Deepwood Motte is a wooden castle, and it’s fifteen days from
Winterfell, as the raven flies, and you don’t fly. But hopes can of course
defeat sense, and the showmaker’s lack of sense for distance seems to have
rubbed on you. But I forgive you, because you broke my heart down in that
tunnel when you finally broke down and confirmed what I wrote about you some
time ago (http://towerofthehand.com/blog/2012/02/22-prevented-stark/):
you really want to be a Stark, and you never could be. You are a tormented
soul, Theon, and soon you will have the fitting body. “My real father was
beheaded in King’s Landing.” Man, what a line. Really, really great and
memorable. If Edmure finally finds some stones and calls the Blackfish on his
bullshit, I shall die content.
Leaving the North, we come back to the
Riverlands, which don’t feature quite as prominently as they did last episode.
Although Riverrun is in the credits, we don’t see anything of Robb, Catelyn,
Edmure or the Blackfish. Again, wait for episode 5. We need a treason and a
wedding invitation yet to happen, after all, and while the treason is already
casting its shadows (they did it in episode 1 already), the silence from the
other betrayed faction, the Freys, is ominous. The writers generally push some
events behind and pull some in front, and it works very well to give the season
a better flow, removing the need to wrestle with everything at once.
So, we get Jaime again, who, after being on the
sidelines in season 2, really shines in season 3. His scenes are again great,
and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau excels in playing the broken man he has become. Jaime
was a monster before, the real antagonist of the show, but when you see him
swinging the sword with his left and getting kicked in the mud, didn’t you feel
a stab of pity? Great acting, and great writing, and strong source material of
course. Plus, the speech that Brienne gave him, about not to whine like a
woman? There’s a lot of internalized sexism in that woman, and perhaps the show
will highlight this element of her a little bit more. It would definitely be
interesting. So far Brienne succeed in instilling Jaime with the will to live
again, despite the gruesome token of Locke’s brutality around his neck. I
wonder whether Roose Bolton will punish Locke for this or not. The political
subtext of this is altered from the books, but I’m actually more invested in it
than with Vargo Hoat, perhaps because it’s more accessible. I don’t know, what
do you think? Let me know in the comments.
We also get a pretty fast journey for Arya:
she, Gendry and the Hound arrive at the headquarters of the Band without
Brothers, a really nice-looking, albeit damp, cave. There is some cleverly written
banter going on about who the Brotherhood is and what they do (they’re Robin
Hood, basically), filling in all the necessary details. I found the “we all
serve R’hollor”-thing a bit hastened, though, and it lacked any impact for me.
I’m not sure whether the significance of them serving the same god as Stannis
had any impact on the audience at all; for me, it was just an infodump and didn’t
carry any meaning. Perhaps we will get more of it when Melisandre arrives in
the cave (presumably), but as of now, there’s not much to it. Beric’s spot-on,
though – he not only contends for the greatest voice of all knights with Ser
Jorah, but he also really comes off as the just, but somewhat bitter veteran.
His fight against the Hound will have impact, that’s for sure. Also, as a
side-note: nice that the Hound tried to defend himself with ye old “I just
followed orders”-line. As always, it impresses nobody.
King’s Landing next. Tyrion shows up at the
door of his best buddy, Varys (another deviation from the books I like – the relationship
between the two gives the whole Tyrion plot a much needed emotional anchor) and
tries to get proof about Cersei’s involvement in the murder attempt on him, but
Varys prefers to teach him a valuable lesson: influence grows like a weed. Another
really great line, another really great bit of dialogue, although the scene
with the sorcerer itself seemed a bit much to me. But I can forgive this easily
enough; it shows us that there is another Varys, one capable of the position he
is in, a show of power that Littlefinger clearly needs for quite some time now
and which hopefully is coming soon.
Speaking of him, although he’s absent in this
episode, people talk about him a lot, and all these statements about how dangerous
he is don’t resonate with me. We need to be showed something of it, like in
season 2, when he casually threatened Ros. That was the Littlefinger I could
fear, but we see too little of him. Although, I’m intrigued to see that Varys
and Olenna both know about his plot to abdicate Sansa. This actually
complicates the political plot in King’s Landing, which is already much more
complex than in the books thanks to the upped performance of Margaery, a feat
that’s all the more impressive when you take into account how many characters
have been omitted for the show. They use the maximum potential these characters
have to offer and wove a complicated web of intrigues.
Speaking of them, Olenna Tyrell again kills.
Her dialogue with Varys is great, and the plot they scheme remains unknown to
the viewer, but the following scene with Margaery shows us the plot and her
character both: marrying Sansa to Loras omits Willas Tyrell, another useless character
when you go down to it. Margaery puts on a great show about how she is best
friends with Sansa, and Sansa goes for it out of pure emotional desperation.
You can see it all on her face when Margaery lays out that castle in the clouds
that’s never going to be. This is such great acting and characterization in so
few shots and lines of dialogue, I’m amazed time and time again.
And the great scenes in this episode are not
done. King’s Landing also gets its share of the CGI budget, and we can finally
see the interior of the Great Sept of Baelor. How nice is the dialogue between
Cersei and Olenna? Also, mark Olenna’s words: “You try to save your children,
but they yearn for death.” (Paraphrasing here) And then Margerys takes Joffrey
out to bath in the crowd, on the same spot where he ordered Eddard’s head to be
cut off, and Cersei can only watch in dismay, panic and desperation. Man, is
this great stuff. Cersei also pulls a Tyrion on Twyin, demanding recognition,
and gets told she’s stupid, basically, because she can’t refrain Joffrey. I’m
almost sorry for the little brat when Tywin announces his intent to discipline
him. Almost. Perhaps we even see this in the show; in the books, it was only
promised and never done. Would sure love to.
And with that, we’re beyond the Narrow Sea, in
Slaver’s Bay, where Dany finally purchases her slaves. They saved her scenes
for the ending of the episode to do them all in one big swoop, which is fine by
me, because we get some real payoff. Emilia Clark finally gets something to
shine. When she begins talking Valyrian, it has an even greater impact than in
the books, because of what she actually says! Instead of using her dialogue to
free the slaves, she rips Kraznys a new one by telling him Valyrian is her
native tongue because she’s Valyrian nobility, bitch! (Paraphrasing again) And
then, carnage ensues. Her dragon roasts the slaver and the top of a wall for no
other reason than to give Dany some explosions in the background to calmly
stand in front of, and the Unsullied kill the slavers. And then, they are
freed, and as an army of freedmen, the orcs of Mordor march…oh. Forgive me.
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On to Yunkai! There is no morning for mankind. |
Holy shit, did that really happen?
Wow, so impressive. Book readers know we’re nowhere near Westeros with the army
yet, so it’ll be interesting how the show manages to explain to us why Dany
doesn’t simply rock the place now with these troops, but I’m confident D&D
can pull it off. They can pull off anything.
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