Game of Thrones is on! And they just took off where they
stopped last week. Instead of pondering questions of power and freedom,
however, we get a ladies’ night in Westeros. The episode firmly centers around
the female characters of the series, and there’s a whole bunch of strong scenes
in there, with the weakest scenes being pointedly those without women in it.
But let’s do it in the usual way and go through the plot points character by
While we’re at it, let’s start with the most
contested deviation from the books yet: Catelyn’s great monologue about Jon
Snow. To say I was surprised about what she had to say – that she prayed for
him to live out of guilt, promised to the gods to make Eddard accept him as a
Stark and, more importantly, accept him herself just to forego the promise –
would be an understatement, but once I overcame my initial being startled, I
actually liked the change. I feel that it gives Catelyn some more depth, since
her being cruel to him and feeling guilty about it just breaks up the
stern-mother-image enough to make her interesting as a character, and Michelle
Fairley really delivered that performance. So, I’m fine with that.
What I didn’t understand but don’t want to
judge until I’ve seen whether the decision pays off is the news that Bran and Rickon
couldn’t be found in the ruins of Winterfell. Why does Ramsay give out such a
message? First, the two charred bodies of two boys were swinging around in
Winterfell for the world to see, and there were some twenty Ironmen who could
prove the story (I guess they killed them all a bit too quick, but what do I
know?). It seems to fall a bit flat, but that problem is with Robb this
episode. He just fails to interest me in his storyline. I can’t put my finger
on just why this is, but it is that way. Only in his conversation with lord
Karstark every bell ringed for alarm in my head. Robb, look at what your two
trusted advisors are! The one’s a cold-blooded bastard who brings bad messages
with both hands, and the other lives only to go down fighting and killing as
many Lannisters as he can. You should get away from them a.s.a.p. In other
news, I rather like the idea that Edmure Tully and Riverrun are not as
important as they are in the books. Karstark dismisses their fighting strength
as so little that the way doesn’t pay off, which says a lot. Interesting to see
how that whole plot will play out.
Let’s jump to the other members of the family.
We’re back with Bran. Fuck, did Isaac Hempstead-Wright grow big! He has changed
in that year, becoming a youth instead of being a boy. It’s really startling,
but I guess I will accommodate myself with it soon enough. He has a really nice
dream, and I liked to see Robb and Jon with him there, but let’s not kid
ourselves, the main thing about him this episode is the arrival of the Reeds
and the healthy injection of mystery they bring with them. Jojen directly
enters Bran’s dreams, which comes off as a good shortcut from the meandering in
the books, and Meera’s introduction is great, as well as the characterization
of her protecting her baby brother. It’s really well done how Osha tries to
shame Jojen for relying on a girl for protection, while she protects Bran, and
how cheerfully Meera sets her joy and natural loyalty for her brother against
all the death and carnage surrounding them. It’s also astonishing just how much
information and new characters this episode dumps on the viewers: Jojen Reed.
Meera Reed. Howland Reed. Dreams that come true. Connection between Howland and
Eddard during the freaking rebellion. And all of this in about 30 seconds of
dialogue! Must be hell for non-book-readers.
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I really thought "Who's this guy?" the first second. Man, he grew. |
The aforementioned Jon Snow, on the other hand,
just gets a very short exposition scene in which Mance tells him just what a
badass he is and how he united the tribes, again reinforcing the theme that
“the Others are real and dangerous!” that the show takes great pain to enforce.
However, the budget restrictions prove to be a real problem here. I’m still a
bit grumpy about just how cheap the Night’s Watch came off the attack on the
Fist. Surely, they talked about 200 dead crows, but we never saw anything of
it, and the survivors of the Watch that prod along to the Wall are the exact
twenty extras we have seen throughout season 2, so I can’t suspend disbelief at
what the show is trying to tell me, just like with Drogo’s “huge khalasaar” of
about 30 people in season 1. It doesn’t help that the scene is short as hell,
but we get introduced to Orell, who controls beasts, and reinforces the idea
that there are wargs, so we don’t rely on Bran alone for that plot.
Theon, in the meantime, faces a crueler fate:
he is imprisoned at some undisclosed location (*cough* Dreadfort *cough*) and
tortured by some guys who clearly don’t want to get anything off him. They
don’t pose any real questions, he doesn’t know where he is, he doesn’t know who
imprisoned him. But I really would say that whoever it is (*cough* Ramsay
*cough*) has twentysome Ironmen skinned and impaled somewhere. One of them
would be called Dagmer. Poor Theon. You’re a prick, but you don’t deserve what
is to come. Interestingly, a servant says he’s sent by Yara to get him out.
Yeah, sure. Believe that, Theon. At first, I thought they transformed Kyra into
a male for some reason and just played out the flashback from “A Dance with
Dragons”, but it might just be that the guy is, in reality, Ramsay himself.
Will be…not exactly fun to watch, but…eh…interesting? No real words for this
kind of stuff. Engaging, perhaps.
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Come here and I show you "engaging"! |
In the Riverlands, we meet Arya for the first
time this season. She instantly stumbles into the Brotherhood without Banners,
which seems to have cut Tom O’Sevens and merged his character with Thoros of
Myr, who now is a cheerful and happy outlaw/knight/sorcerer/whatever. And in
what’s a recurring theme of the episode, Arya protects her two friends and is
recognized as the leader, despite handsome Joe Dempsie being in evidence.
Interesting that the Brotherhood really was prepared to let them go until the
captured Hound shows up. It’s surprising that all this happens that early in
the story, and I guess they will make the Hound-Arya-setup a bit more than in
the books, which is fine by me because everyone they pair Maisie Williams with
is fine by me.
Also in the Riverlands, Brienne and Jaime are
making their slow way towards King’s Landing. Jaime’s bound at the wrists and
constantly teases Brienne into letting her guard slip. Him taking a piss right
in front of her to her great annoyance is just so much Jaime, and when they
start talking about Renly and love, oh boy! Obviously, Coster-Waldau really dug
in the source-material, since he delivers in just a few muscle movements in the
face what George R. R. Martin needed whole pages for. Not only does Jaime make
clear for the viewers just where Brienne did come from again and what happened
in season 1, he gave a nice insight into his soul and relationship with Cersei,
not to mention the troubled relation he has with his own past. The resentful
“You’re only interested in rumors when they concern me” is just so good, it’s
really promising in regards to some bath in Harrenhal. Looking forward to that
scene. They then come across the farmer, and Jaime suggests that he recognized
him and tries to seduce Brienne into killing him. As we learn later, he’s
right, but there’s no way to know whether Jaime was just playing with her again
or not, and he makes no effort to clear the fact. His arrogance is getting the
better of him here. If he would have been more clear with her and stopped to be
all wise-ass around her all the time, she might actually listen.
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My name is Brienne, and I kick ass. |
In other news, we already get the fight between
the two of them. They changed the location to a bridge instead of a stream, and
I really liked the setup. These actors are so great! Jaime explaining just why
the bridge is dangerous combined with some excellent camera-work made the
crossing over the bridge just so exciting. And that’s before they drew swords!
The duel is staged really well. Although there can be no question as to how the
duel will end (come on, no one expects one of them to die), there was a tension
in it, and we see just how good the two are. It’s a small deviation from the
source material that Brienne is so superior, but Jaime’s bound and Brienne
armored, and he’s weaker. Really nice, the thing about the two swords, too. And
then, the farmer is back, and with him some men of Bolton’s, led by, one
assumes, the mysterious Locke. Seems like they really skipped the Brave
Companions, which, given the ton of characters introduced in this episode
alone, is a wise decision and will make Bolton a littlebit more pronounced than
his muffled role in “A Storm of Swords”, where you get him only in retrospect.
And quick as that, we’re in King’s Landing, where
three other characters are running around. First we get a littlebit of Tyrion,
who wields Chekov’s gun telling Shae again just how dangerous King’s Landing is
and that she really shouldn’t come to him. They also have some nice but
ultimately meaningless banter about Tyrion fucking other women, and including
some foreshadowing of a later marriage. But in the end, it seems like they’re
mainly giving Tyrion some facetime because he’s the most popular character.
Stuff gets a lot more meaty with Joffrey and Cersei.
Cersei tries to be the scheming bitch as she envisions herself, but Joffrey
cuts her off brusquely, short only of slapping her across the mouth. I’m not
quite sure where they are getting with Cersei, but same as Catelyn, they are
making a major deviation from the books. Cersei is a pitiful creature in this
season, a development that started with “The North remembers”, where Joffrey
killed the bastards instead of Cersei. Perhaps that will even change her role
in the Purple Wedding, but all of that remains to be seen.
Sansa, in the meantime, gets an invitation by
the Queen of Thorns, the favorite woman we’ve been waiting for. After shortly
admiring Loras Tyrell without getting some love returned (no wonder, he’s gay
and lost his lover), she meets Lady Tyrell and Margaery. Olenna owns the scene,
and her actress really does a great job, and not to diminish this work
but…these lines really are made to make the viewers hoot and cheer, so she has
an easy job with it. The discussion comes off as a streamlined version from the
books and works well even without Butterbumps and the Bair and the Maiden Fair.
Sansa throws herself into the roses pretty quickly, but what choice does she
have? Littlefinger is a creep, and Joffrey is a bastard. And wasn’t that great
when Sansa finally mutterd her “He’s a monster”-line and the two women just
looked at each other? Book readers will know what both of them thought in that
Joffrey is really a bastard, isn’t he? The way
he chases away the tailor shows some major problems with humility, but how
great is his scene with Margaery? After getting the information just what he is
from Sansa, Margaery really pulls off a surprise and plunges headlong into it.
Meeting Joff with his crossbow, she all but moans when she eroticizes it. That
scene is creepy. Jack Gleeson again delivers a great performance as Joffrey
when he displays his nervousness around a forceful woman, and it’s almost
pitiful how he gets played by Margaery. The way she makes him hot with the idea
of her being anal fucked and her killing something displays some balls by the
writers, to say the least. Margaery really got much more personality than in
the books, and she really profits from it.
And like this, we reach the end. We didn’t see
anything of Danaerys this episode, which is all for the good since we got
enough characters and places already. Can’t wait for next week!
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