Thursday, November 27, 2014

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 55

Thursday is court day!
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from A Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the APOIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above.
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 55 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week is Joanna Lannister, one of the admins of the ASOIAF University.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Boiled Leather Audio Hour, Episode 34

Around the World: Discussing “The World of Ice and Fire”

We’re back, and a world awaits! Released with deserved fanfare a few weeks ago, The World of Ice and Fire, the long-awaited world book by George R.R. Martin and his co-authors Elio M. García Jr. and Linda Antonsson of, has proven to be an extraordinarily fecund source of information, speculation, and general wonderment. That’s a pretty fair characterization of this episode of The Boiled Leather Audio Hour, as a matter of fact: No muss, no fuss, just me and Sean the best and most baffling moments of this extensive fake history in our biggest episode yet.
But before you begin, a quick housekeeping note: Sean and I haven’t been able to record a podcast since July, as a series of professional, personal, and (most insurmountably) technical issues scuttled half a dozen different scheduled recording times. The resolution of these issues necessitated the purchase of a whole new computer and set of software, which Sean was happy to do, but which obviously took a hefty chunk out of the old Boiled Leather budget.
So if you enjoy The Boiled Leather Audio Hour,, The Nerdstream Era, or any of our assorted projects, please consider clicking here to donate a few dollars to help offset the cost of the show via PayPal. (There’s also a Donate button at the top of and in The Nerdstream Era's sidebar). You all have been so tremendously complimentary and supportive, and we’re extraordinarily grateful that you listen!

Donate here.
Mirror here.
Sean’s Rolling Stone article: The 10 Craziest Things We Learned from The World of Ice and Fire
Stefan’s “ruminations” on TWoIaF for Tower of the Hand
Sean’s essay on the Deep Ones
Sean betting sixty bucks that Tyrion is Aerys’s son
Previous episodes here.
Podcast RSS feed here.
iTunes page here.
Sean’s blog here.
Stefan’s blog here.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 54

Thursday is court day!
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from A Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the APOIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above.
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, The World of Ice and Fire (new!) and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 54 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week is Dan (aka witlesschum), who posts on the Podcast of Ice and Fire forums and occasionally appears on VOK episodes, where he played a Frey on a full castle recording and got to say “Nuncle.” In real life, he lives in Kalamazoo, The North, where he works as a journalist and knows way too much about college football, along with A Song of Ice and Fire.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 53

Thursday is court day! It's exactly one year now that we started this series. Hipp Hipp Hooray!
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from A Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the APOIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above.
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, The World of Ice and Fire (new!) and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 53 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week, as in our first issue, is Steven Attewell, who is the author of Race for the Iron Throne and has recently published a book entitled: Race for the Iron Throne: Political and Historical Analysis of "A Game of Thrones." He recently finished a chapter-by-chapter analysis of A Game of Thrones and is now doing chapter-by-chapter analyses of A Clash of Kings. He has a PhD in History from the University of California, Santa Barbara where he studied the history of public policy. Recently, Steven became an adjunct professor of urban studies at CUNY's Murphy Institute(!!) In addition to Race for the Iron Throne, Steven is also a co-podcaster on Game of Thrones at Lawyers, Guns, and Money.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 52

Thursday is court day!
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from A Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the APOIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above.
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 52 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! This week's guest judge is Zach, a curator and regular host of Vassals of Kingsgrave and prolific poster on the A Podcast of Ice and Fire forums. He’s podcasted on nerdy topics of all kinds. Video games, movies, TV, and of course, A Song of Ice and Fire. Zach is currently planning a VOK episode on Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller Chronicle.