Thursday, January 30, 2014

Boiled Leather Audio Hour 26

One of the brightest stars in the ASoIaF fandom firmament joins your humble hosts this week! Adam Feldman is the author of The Meereenese Blot, and the blogger whose essay series "Untangling the Meereenese Knot," a revisionist take on Daenerys’s storyline during A Dance with Dragons which argued that her attempt to forge a durable peace would have been successful but for her own unhappiness and the perfidy of a locust-poisoning Shavepate, is one of the finest in-depth analyses of these books I’ve ever read. He’s followed up with a provocative take on Jon Snow’s actions during Dance as well, centered on the political effects of his penchant for well-intentioned risk-taking. In this episode, Sean and I explore the essays with Adam as our guide, tackling everything from oathbreaking to audience identification. Read and listen and enjoy!

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 12

Thursday is court day!
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from A Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the APOIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above.
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 12 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week is Sean T. Collins, blogger at All Leather Must be Boiled, co-author of the "A Game of Thrones Annotated Edition" for Subtext with Elio Garcia and co-host of the Boiled Leather Audio Hour with Stefan. He also blogs at Attention Deficit Disorderly and freelances for numerous sites, including The Rolling Stone.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Assassin's Creed 4 review

To be honest, after the debacle that was Assassin's Creed 3 I didn't really want to play part 4, especially since it seemed like the game would only reinforce the mistakes of its predecessor back when the trailer came out. My fears all came true, and they didn't. While they definitely got ahead and used the pirate-setting as a background for all kinds of ridiculous action and adventure, further making a mockery of the assassin parts of the story, this works surprisingly well in some respects. Steering the Jackdaw through the waters of the Carribean is as fun an experience as one could wish for. I disabled and entered one ship after the other, upgrading the Jackdaw and enjoying myself to the shanties the crew sings whenever you have to cover a stretch of water without getting shot at. 
Essentially, we have Pirate-Ninjas now.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 11

Thursday is court day! 
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from the Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the POIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above. 
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 11 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week is Mark Adamec, Boiled Leather and Nerdstream Era super fan. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

House of Cards, Season 1

I finally finished watching House of Cards, since everyone and their moms is recommending it. Here in Germany, the leader of an opposition party even went so far as to recommend the damn thing for the subject of politics in school. Being a teacher of said subject, I couldn't abstain from watching any longer, obviously. Having finished it, my thought regarding on exactly that comment can only be the question whether or not somebody shat in his brain. While House of Cards is certainly very entertaining at times and provides some very compelling topics to discuss, it possesses no educational value for politics lessons, that's for sure. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Varys crackpot

Varys is in truth Larys Strong, the lord of Harrenhal, who has survived the ages through magic tricks.
There, I said it. Not that I believe it. But I said it. Heh.

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 10

Thursday is court day! 
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from the Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the POIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above. 
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 10 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week is Matt Hezel, a proud member of House Manwoody and since discovering A Song of Ice and Fire in 2010 finding great pleasure in baking and eating pies. He contributes on the APoIaF forums and VoK podcasts as Eiffel.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Did Martin drop the ball? - A contention between Stefan Sasse and Remy Verhoeve

Since the publication of “A Dance with Dragons” in 2011 there has been a major discussion going on in the fandom about whether or not the book and its immediate predecessor, “A Feast for Crows” (2005) can live up to the undeniably high standard that the first three books “A Game of Thrones” (1996), “A Clash of Kings” (1998) and “A Storm of Swords” (2000) set. Talking about this today are Stefan Sasse (The Nerdstream Era) and Remy Verhoeve (Stormsongs).

Stefan Sasse: A Dance with Dragons is out for a while now. While many people were disappointed initially at the lack of dragons dancing, the reactions differed more later. Many came around and found reasons to like the book (and, in extension, “A Feast for Crows” as well), while others turned their disappointment into resentment. Do you have a theory why “A Dance with Dragons” divided the community in a way that “A Feast for Crows”, which shows similar structure, didn’t?

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Flight of Links

Wow, this must be the longest link post I ever did so far. 

- Best Dowager Countess quotes, collected by Sean T. Collins
- Top 10 memoral scenes from bad movies
- Top 10 worst movie accents
- Thor is the new superman
- The hard life stunt people have
- 5 things I learned from being a cop
- 5 movie happy endings that will end terribly wrong
- The movies of 2013
- Game of Thrones propaganda
- Katee Sackhoff wants to play stuff
- New Game of Thrones casting
- Jog begets anger. Couldn't agree more. 
- 10 bizarre correlations
- Man of Steel 2 information. And more of it.
- Guardians of the Galaxy info.
- True Detective seems terrific.
- 4 hilariously silly comic book scenes
- 6 fan ideas so good they were put in the real thing
- Alien: Isolation actually looks good. 
- Serious Game Fatigue. I seriously disagree.
- Junk Drawer
- BSG Newbie recaps Finale
- Alien: Isolation, still more info
- There's a Witcher Boardgame coming out. FFG is making a boardgame for a change. About time. But I'm sceptical about this one, I have to admit. 
- 5 HBO sneak peeks to season 4
- Dhoom3 review
- You have to know history to teach it. Oh hell yes.
- The most stupid Japanese game shows
- A Japanese air force pilot that rules
- How Aliens ruined the franchise. Man, do I disagree. 
- The 13 best short films of 2013 
- 1600 year old Viking game
- Michael Douglas plays the Ant-Man 
- Stars, Worn
- Review from Marcus Roberts about Crusader Kings II. I have my issues with the game, but it's the best available GOT strategy game so far. 
- HBO renews Newsroom for a third season
- Booth babes hinder sales. Knew it! :) 
- 22 mistaken viral photos explained
- 4 comic book fan theories cooler than the truth
- Concept art of the BioShock movie that never was, sadly.  
- That hurts 
- Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit review
- And another
- Remy Verhoeve reviewed the Princess and the Queen.
- Of Dragons and Ruined Cities
- News about Man of Steel 2
-  HeroQuest, again
- Knights of Badassdom, another trailer
- The Plan recap
- A 1984 remake with Kristen Stewart and an angle as a love film is a thing now,
- Jack Gleeson about Celebrity Culture
- Stephen Dillane doesn't like the GOT nude scenes. German porn of the 70s? You can't make it unseen.
- Amazon wants to ship before you order in the near future
- The difference between 12 years a slave and Passion of Christ
- Alyssa reviews Desolation of Smaug 
- 7 hillariously predictable sex trends
- 7 scientific reasons a zombie apocalypse would be easy to defend

Friday, January 10, 2014

Stalingrad 3D

This is a thing. Russian filmmakers produced a movie about the battle of Stalingrad in IMAX format. Real 3D. And not only that, they also took a full swing at the asthetics of "300" with it, including the soundtrack. Have a look at the trailer and don't mind the Russian text; there's no dialogue other than the contemporary monologue in the background anyway:

Yes, this is really a thing. And it cries for some analysis after the break.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 9

Thursday is court day! 
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from the Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the POIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above. 
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 9 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week is Nick Guidry from south Louisiana, married, father of a daugter and open to taking questions on the ASOIAF book series, the Dunk an Egg novellas, a few of GRRM's short stories, also the GOT HBO series, as well as some other fantasy series such as The Black Company. He’s also big into gaming on all platforms, both modern and retro. He can be reached on tumblr @irsteppricon, the APOIAF forums as SteppriconTheBold, and through email at

Historical accuracy, games and World War II

Practically every game that takes place in the World War II era has one selling point in common, whether it's a stategy game or a shooter: historical accuracy. They all pride themselves on conveying the details of the epoch right, able to give the player that unique feeling. The shooters, like Medal of Honor or Call of Duty, went over great lengths to incorporate the correct sounds of all weapons, for example, the physics, the looks. In the Hearts of Iron series, you can equip your divisons and brigades with the contempory leaders and weaponry. And if you browse the Company of Heroes forums, you find people asking themselves how accurate the depiction of the Sturmgeschütz III Ausführung E in comparison to Ausführung F is. There's a great emphasis on getting the details right.
Detail, with a capital D

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Supreme Court of Westeros, ruling 8

Thursday is court day! 
Welcome to the Supreme Court of Westeros! Every week, three pressing questions from the community will be answered by the esteemed judges Stefan (from your very own Nerdstream Era) and Amin (from the Podcast of Ice and Fire). The rules are simple: we take three questions, and one of us writes a measured analysis. The other one writes a shorter opinion, either concurring or dissenting. The catch is that every week a third judge from the fandom will join us and also write a dissenting or concurring opinion. So if you think you're up to the task - write us an email to, leave a comment in the post, ask in the POIAF-forum or contact Amin at his tumblr. Discussion is by no means limited to the court itself, though - feel free to discuss our rulings in the commentary section and ask your own questions through the channels above. 
One word on spoilers: we assume that you read all the books, including the Hedge Knight short stories, and watched the current TV episodes. We don't include the spoiler chapters from various sources in the discussion, with the notable exception of Theon I, which was supposed to be in "A Dance with Dragons" anyway.
And now, up to ruling 8 of the Supreme Court of Westeros! Our guest judge this week is Leigh Andrews, commonly known as LordManderBlee, best known for his occasional ASoIaF meta on tumblr, for hosting some episodes of both BoK and VoK, and for his somewhat ubiquitous presence on the forums of APoIaF.